For more than 12 years, Mirea has been at the forefront of applying behavioral science in the financial industry. She held senior positions at the Dutch Central Bank and ING Bank. At these institutions, she was responsible for building behavioral risk capabilities from scratch. She is well-known for her expertise, thought leadership, and her ability to implement behavioral change strategies that deliver results.

Mirea is considered a pioneer, as she was the first psychologist ever appointed by a central bank to use her specific skillset in supervision. For 6.5 years, she spearheaded numerous culture inspections under the Dutch Central Bank’s (DNB) supervision on Behavior & Culture – the well-known Dutch Approach that is globally considered as one of the most successful post-financial crisis innovations in supervision. She collaborated with global regulators, including those from the ECB, the US, Australia, and Asia.

After DNB, Mirea worked as Global Head of Behavioral Risk Management at ING for 5 years. Here, she was responsible for the identification and assessment of behavioral risks and directed the business towards effective mitigation of these risks. She built this capability, which is now an integrated part of ING’s risk function and strategic decision-making.

Mirea studied organizational psychology and holds a doctor’s degree in Behavioral Sciences. She is the chief editor and lead author of the highly influential handbook – Supervision of Behavior & Culture. She is a thought leader in the field of Behavioral Risk Management and is frequently invited as a keynote speaker.

Mirea lives in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She is married and has two children. In her spare time, she enjoys her family, friends, reading books, and playing sports, especially basketball with her kids.