Alex has 17 years of experience in the field of Business and around 8 in B2B Sales Management consulting. Alex’s approach involves crafting a strategy grounded in the company’s mission. He excels at translating overarching visions into actionable plans to meet organizational objectives.

Starting his career, Alex worked primarily with multinationals from various sectors, including Biofuels, Oils, Engineering, and Software (Tech). He also has experience with SMBs and has taken on roles as an entrepreneur.

Along with joining Axialent, Alex is a Managing Partner at, a hybrid consultancy and training company helping founders, owners, and executive teams grow. The focus is always on the individual, developing their position, and aligning the team to hyper-grow your company.

Previously, Alex set up two different entrepreneurial ventures and is involved in several startups and SMBs as a mentor and minority shareholder. As an Executive Director, Alex showcased exceptional leadership qualities, demonstrating a remarkable talent for crafting and executing visionary strategies that propel organizations to new heights. Under Alex’s leadership, CTAIMA Group not only met but consistently exceeded expectations, establishing industry benchmarks and earning accolades for excellence. This success culminated in a purchase by a PE group.

Alongside his vast Sales experience in the B2B space for consultative sales, Alex possesses a deep understanding of people and their development. He finds it intrinsically rewarding to aid in their growth.

Alex holds a degree in chemistry from URV in Tarragona, located in one of the most significant chemical hubs in Southern Europe. He also pursued an MBA from the same university. More recently, he completed an Executive Program on General Management (PDD) at IESE Business School.

Based in Barcelona, Spain, where he was born and raised, Alex brings to the table extensive work experience from across Europe — including Spain, Germany, Italy, and Belgium — as well as Southeast Asia, with stints in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Outside his professional commitments, Alex is passionate about sports, with a particular love for fitness and marathon running. He’s also keen on exploring facets of business, leadership, and talent management.