About Oseas Ramírez Assad

Axialent CEO and entrepreneur and intrapreneur with a 20-year track record of spearheading innovation at startups and within large enterprises.

Oseas Ramírez is a business leader, innovation and well-being speaker, and executive focused on fusing technology, psychology, and innovation to drive businesses towards a better world through cultural transformation processes.

As CEO of Axialent Global, an international consulting firm pioneering conscious change in organizations, Oseas leads a team of world-renowned experts seeking to facilitate change through processes that produce real business results based on agile and innovative practices applied in real day-to-day situations.

Oseas worked for Cisco Systems HQ for six years. He led three major corporate-wide efforts: First, he was in charge of the development of the company’s top 2% talent worldwide, focusing on Senior Managers. Second, while leading this initiative, he cofounded and internally spun-o Startup//Cisco, a companywide movement that trains employees on how to adopt startup innovation best practices to reinvigorate Cisco’s startup DNA.

Finally, he was responsible for leading the design and implementation of Cisco’s worldwide network of Innovation Centers’ co- innovation strategy, engaging key customers across the world. During this final phase he also traveled the world evangelizing organizations on Cisco’s innovation strategy.

Oseas has founded four Mexico-based startups, with the most successful being Weknow (we- know.net), the leading LatAm e-learning solutions/services provider, and (b) ID2R (Ideas To Results – id2r.co), an innovation orchestration firm specialized in medium and large organizations seeking to establish or accelerate their innovation capabilities, acquired by Axialent.



Ready-to-go customizable keynote presentations and sessions with a proven track record with corporate audiences in San Francisco, London, New York, Singapore, and Sao Paulo, among others.


Well-being and Mental Health Talks

1 – Optimal Me

This workshop combines the tools of authors from multiple fields to live a more productive life at work, and a more fulfilling life overall. During the one-day workshop we go over the most optimal states to be in (including Flow), our knowledge-action gap – and how an innovation-based approach of design and lean experimentation in our own lives can propel us forward, as we ‘hack’ our nutrition, regain control of our attention and leverage Silicon Valley-style personal productivity techniques with quick learning experiments and operationalization of what worked for Me.


2 – Innovation transformation for corporations – The Senior Leader’s view

This presentation gives leaders a strategic blueprint on how to drive a comprehensive transformation initiative, removing the guesswork with implementation guidelines and best practices.


3 – Leaders’ roles, responsibilities and opportunities for organizational well-being

This session guides organizational leaders through a layered exploration of what they can do for themselves, their teams and their organization as a whole in terms of well-being. It contrasts the traditionally accepted but less eective well-being approaches (i.e. initiatives, programs) to the real levers that have an impact on employees, from processes to climate, norms, behaviors and mindsets inside the organization.


Innovation and Digital Transformation Talks

1 – First Principles of Innovation

Explore the First Principles behind successful transformations to learn from the experiences of many other organizations in a variety of industries – and how to course-correct to avoid falling into predictable and preventable mistakes.


2 – Innovation Mindsets

Explore and learn what the innovation mindsets are for the individual and the team leader, drawing from dozens of multi-industry examples, anecdotes and research – all woven into an engaging session. At the end of the session participants will have a series of actionable next steps regarding desirable mindset shifts.


3 – The case for disruption

Build a case for the importance of acknowledging disruption, its impacts in your particular company/industry, potential responses and helping create a ‘burning platform’ for participants to buy-in into the necessary actions.


4 – Problem Reframing workshop

A 2-hour dynamic workshop that gives participants a simple tool they can apply immediately to benefit all aspects of their work: confirming whether they are actually solving for the right problem before investing into a solution path.

Working with Axialent has allowed us like never before to increase our ability to take responsibility and create a culture of achievement and cross-collaboration at every level in our organization. Axialent's unique approach to having people work with themselves, each other and on key projects with full engagement has been of invaluable help to our organization.
Corporate Vice President