
Building Remarkable Brands from the Inside Out | Highlights Part 1

By Teryluz Andreu | Oct 17, 2022

Teryluz Andreu, Global Change Agent, Organizational Transformation Consultant, and Designer of Joyous Leader & Employee Experiences, sat down with David Salyers, one of the original two marketing executives at Chick-fil-A, to discover how to create an organizational culture that fosters value for all stakeholders and helps employees thrive.

Enjoy these highlights from that webinar!

Your work can be a source of joy

Do something you love doing

If you love it, it’s not work.

Don’t get rich, be rich.

Your employees promote your culture

What are the real riches in life?

What is advertising?

Can remarkable brands come out of toxic cultures?

How can you be strategic in leveraging employee engagement?

Want even more great snippets? Check out part 2!

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